phil anker: Waiting for mum
phil anker: A day in the life of a traffic cone
phil anker: Kept on a tight leash
phil anker: Raining cats and dogs
phil anker: Introduction
phil anker: Coffee and a hot dog
phil anker: Double take
phil anker: Coffee for Nero
phil anker: Three`s a crowd
phil anker: Wrapped up
phil anker: Baby walkers
phil anker: Curious
phil anker: Keeping mum
phil anker: What`s occurring
phil anker: Seeing off the big boys
phil anker: Just watching
phil anker: Dog walker
phil anker: Safety triangle
phil anker: Trying to get your attention
phil anker: Sausage and leek
phil anker: I C U
phil anker: Me and you and a dog named Boo
phil anker: Furry coats
phil anker: Out for a walk
phil anker: Left and right
phil anker: Two men and their dog, spot went to mow a meadow
phil anker: In a line
phil anker: Guard the dog
phil anker: Unlucky lamp post
phil anker: Your way