phil anker: Break from the dog walk
phil anker: I luv my dog
phil anker: Do you know the one about the loaves and fish
phil anker: Double dog
phil anker: A handful
phil anker: Hurry up mum
phil anker: Three heads are better than one
phil anker: Bulldog breed
phil anker: Powerdog
phil anker: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
phil anker: These boots are made for walking
phil anker: Waiting for mum
phil anker: Lazy dog
phil anker: Mind the puppy
phil anker: Two tribes
phil anker: The lion tamer
phil anker: Little and large
phil anker: The band has arrived
phil anker: Where`s mine?
phil anker: The dogs
phil anker: On watch
phil anker: Room for a small one
phil anker: 20140712-IMGP9705
phil anker: Waiting for the treat
phil anker: Not just for Christmas
phil anker: Watching eye
phil anker: Double outlook
phil anker: Lead lines
phil anker: A spare moment
phil anker: Watcher