Cyndi L: Bead Soup extras from Chris Murphy
Cyndi L: Bead Soup playthings from Chris Murphy
Cyndi L: We shall not cease
Cyndi L: Grilled peppers
Cyndi L: Strawberry salad
Cyndi L: Beaded rope
Cyndi L: Felted fabric
Cyndi L: Lemon cake
Cyndi L: Spare ribs
Cyndi L: Vegetable pie
Cyndi L: Beaded bead
Cyndi L: Penne carbonara
Cyndi L: Split pea and bean soup
Cyndi L: Chicken and wild rice salad
Cyndi L: Lamb cacciatore
Cyndi L: In the Shadow
Cyndi L: Daylight Fades
Cyndi L: Double-sided optical lens pendant
Cyndi L: Chinese fortune necklace
Cyndi L: Crab bisque
Cyndi L: Salmon and legume salad
Cyndi L: Can you keep a secret?
Cyndi L: Summer Flowers
Cyndi L: Sunflowers
Cyndi L: Leather-look craft felt
Cyndi L: Bead Journal Project: May
Cyndi L: Roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon
Cyndi L: Beer can chicken
Cyndi L: Trapped
Cyndi L: Pasta with antipasto!