*Hazuki*: P1050973
imgordonmd: IMG_0007
imgordonmd: Phoebe - What a set a choppas!
imgordonmd: Phoebe - Ice Cream Lover
imgordonmd: Phoebe age 16 mos
hatsuyo: neo rock 6
hatsuyo: neo rock 4
hatsuyo: neo rock 3
hatsuyo: neo rock 2
hatsuyo: maeda in the sand 2
hatsuyo: maeda in the sand
hatsuyo: emma and maeda wading
hatsuyo: maeda
hatsuyo: chinos
hatsuyo: zuki and neo
hatsuyo: neo rocks
hatsuyo: us and monkey
hatsuyo: me and monkey
hatsuyo: ken and coconut
fumikoladdchino: something's strange about my new shoes
fumikoladdchino: on the move in miko's shoes
fumikoladdchino: snow Snow SNOW!!!
fumikoladdchino: green eggs and ham at the library
fumikoladdchino: transfixed by youtube videos
fumikoladdchino: C3Neo, active listening
fumikoladdchino: oh hi, missed u
fumikoladdchino: IMG_0116
fumikoladdchino: IMG_0110
fumikoladdchino: DSCN1566
fumikoladdchino: DSCN1571