jezzika8813: Getting way to big. #precious #bigGirlSeat
jezzika8813: Auntie has arrived! #sisterSister
jezzika8813: Just couldn't wait. I was gone for three seconds! #colorBath #mySweetPea
jezzika8813: My Munchkin. #hippieAlready
jezzika8813: First kiss. #PG 💋
jezzika8813: Date day with Wy! #babyLove
jezzika8813: She smiled!! #rainforestCafe #babyJ
jezzika8813: Just watching the game during our nightly walk in the park. #flagFootball #AZnights
jezzika8813: #epic #truth
jezzika8813: I taught her this. #evilLook #iDied
jezzika8813: The Golden Year where she was scared shitless of Santa. Best one yet!
jezzika8813: I ❤ her clothes. #laundryArt #targetBaby #neon
jezzika8813: #Thankful
jezzika8813: Happy Birthday Gramps! #MyFavOldMan
jezzika8813: Missing my twinie. #TwinCousins
jezzika8813: Holding hands or going for the same ball... #sisterCousins
jezzika8813: Precious little beauty! #glowingGirl
jezzika8813: Unintentionally caught her mid-poop. #greatTiming #blackmail #poop
jezzika8813: My Pumpkin & pumpkins
jezzika8813: Cosley Zoo Time!
jezzika8813: No Love like Auntie Love. #flowerChild #peace #endlessLove
jezzika8813: Dreaming about what she will be when she grows up. #BigGirl #BigWorld
jezzika8813: Beauties #cousins #love
jezzika8813: My girl.
jezzika8813: Travel baby. See you in Chicago!
jezzika8813: First Caprisun... #BigGirl #LiveAlittle
jezzika8813: #heart #melt
jezzika8813: hair in the wind
jezzika8813: Three top teeth coming at once with a fever of 101... this little monkey is not feeling well. I blame the tooth fairy.
jezzika8813: Endless ♡