Rosa Grueso: #129 Noelani ~ Resting Fairy
{ stella im hultberg }: Serpentine. 9.25" x 11.75". Ink, Watercolor & Acrylic on Tea-stained Paper. © 2013.
Geomangio: Zighinì
fugzu: spezzatino africano
{ stella im hultberg }: Procrastinating on paintings.
☆Esthy & Lulla☆: Ajustements
{ stella im hultberg }: Back to sketchbook.
☆Esthy & Lulla☆: Cerisedolls Ombre
☆Esthy & Lulla☆: Cerisedolls Constantine
☆Esthy & Lulla☆: Cerisedolls Constantine
nora ver: milan 015
{ stella im hultberg }: Another new piece started...
{ stella im hultberg }: Strangely Transparent. 11" x 14". Acrylic & Colored Pencil on Wood. © 2011
{ stella im hultberg }: Brown paper addiction
{ stella im hultberg }: More drawing on brown paper...
{ stella im hultberg }: More brown drawing
thinkspace_gallery: Sneak peeks from Stella Im Hultberg as she prepares for 'In the Wake of Dreams' this October at Thinkspace
Lollinuz: Rosette
leshoward: Flower pattern
goatmom2001: RAW 7 / 52
Rebecca Geoffrey: Custom Earrings
Horriblesweet: one eyed beings
Horriblesweet: one eyed beings
::sämyii::: Fall collection preview***
countrymomo: geisha