sonic0500: tears were shed at that time have supported me even now. 114 The Angel - Brompton
Digsys Diner: shot at dawn Bright lights in the darkness - Bellapais Abbey
Orlando Z.: Gartenstuhl
seepea: Pretty Lady
Thomas Retterath: Sepia Elephant
William Yipp: Beached Kangaroo
Andy P4: Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
Lina Hughes: 1 single bunch
syouta.: 『小さな声』(Chiisana-Koe) Loch Lomand 2012 - 1
MMortAH: Happy Halloween!
niji graphein: Robotic festival
Fardels.: Cricket in a Fantasy World - tettigonia viridissima"
Qiuxia18: Lunch Time
TudX: Hands up
Alan Drake: White Rock Pier
West Leigh: Dandelion 2
laurier.fortin: Bruant hudsonien
Robert in Colombia: 26d-WY6Z8523 Orc Overseer (with Saruman) Gandalf the Grey (with Gimli)