Toyokazu: Woman diver. It is “AMA SAN” when saying in Japanese.
Toyokazu: Mother and a daughter#3
Fucchon: HI~~~~
shuji+: Light from the Bay
shuji+: 皆の無事を祈ります。From Tokyo: I pray for safety of you.
shuji+: Rain Again
Fucchon: 43230028
Fucchon: 37560025
Fucchon: she and her PENTACON six TL
anitana: IMG_0988
Hideaki Hamada: "Haru & Mina" Hideaki Hamada solo exhibition in Taiwan
holatiff: 這張照完全顯現出我的相機美肌功能有多強大!!
holatiff: 被這個眼神笑死
holatiff: 香港演藝學院門口
holatiff: 有幾米的感覺
leo19981: goldfish 3
martinturner: City Hall - B&W
^soulfly: * centipede *
-[sixfoot.TW]-: 喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ後就可以準備! 晚安~ x)
dominikfoto: Love Cat (2) | Pastel {explored}
[D.Jiang]: 83220004
[D.Jiang]: 51390008
sonria_por_favor: Pentacon Six TL Portraits #04
*6261: *曖昧
Fucchon: my grandpa loves music a lot