Bia Neto: Soraya
Dyatel Woody: my Nuts♥♥♥♥♥
Dyatel Woody: Mentos and..and the wind
Dyatel Woody: Only wind.... in the head
Dyatel Woody: Bambi..♥
Dyatel Woody: only my♥
Dyatel Woody: Bambi♥
_Twole_: DSC_2824
JennWrenn: let's go shopping!
tamhippopo: DSC_0880
Duchess Ravenwaves: Blue eyed girl
Echo (EchoForDolls): Cinnamon Girl
Lawdeda ❤: First Day of Fall
*stellinna*: Twinkle
m a r s h: 1972 Kenner Blythe
~ Jo ~ taking a break: Orange eyes never looked so good
Emmie Ame: Relm
rockymountainroz: Modeling at Sunrise...Amelia in Miss Wrenn
JennWrenn: lost in her thoughts
JennWrenn: stomp! stomp!