zzathras777: Horse of metal
zzathras777: Using a tripod
zzathras777: From the horses mouth
zzathras777: Hoping the grass is dry
zzathras777: Where is my camera?
zzathras777: Blossom
zzathras777: Any time today...
zzathras777: Path to the brewhouse
zzathras777: Beer anyone?
zzathras777: Fleeting glimpses
zzathras777: Fools Exit
zzathras777: Entrance to the maze
zzathras777: Who you calling chicken?
zzathras777: How does this thing work?
zzathras777: Which way is up?
zzathras777: Getting down low
zzathras777: Is this my best side?
zzathras777: Kiddy Playground
zzathras777: Sheila and Jeremy's tree
zzathras777: Flowers
zzathras777: Peacock
zzathras777: Daffodil
zzathras777: You lookin' at me?
zzathras777: Wooden Swan
zzathras777: Peahen
zzathras777: Goat (2)
zzathras777: Old Walled Garden
zzathras777: Traquair House