zyrcster: spotted coralroot
zyrcster: spotted coralroot
zyrcster: corallorhiza
zyrcster: spotted coralroot orchid
zyrcster: toward St Mary's Falls
zyrcster: Shrine of the Sun
zyrcster: at the overlook
zyrcster: taking in the view
zyrcster: Colorado Springs
zyrcster: leaning pole
zyrcster: pole and fence
zyrcster: pole
zyrcster: The Horns of Cheyenne Mountain
zyrcster: on the trail
zyrcster: antennae farm
zyrcster: trees
zyrcster: Pikes Peak and storm
zyrcster: Cheyenne Lodge
zyrcster: rock and brick wall
zyrcster: the old stairs
zyrcster: Cheyenne Lodge
zyrcster: Steps to Nowhere
zyrcster: close-up of stairs
zyrcster: Patchwork Ruins
zyrcster: Ruins
zyrcster: abby on the rocks
zyrcster: antennae farm and storm
zyrcster: antennae farm and storm
zyrcster: antennae farm
zyrcster: a view