zyphichore: shocked!
zyphichore: the imposition
zyphichore: mint flavored..
zyphichore: albertson calls
zyphichore: albertson defends
zyphichore: ritzy with camera
zyphichore: albertson and mitzy oh my
zyphichore: :screener:
zyphichore: "Ham Doiley"
zyphichore: "Ham Doiley"
zyphichore: Mitzi descends..
zyphichore: the director, aka "dimestore thug #2" w/ "Mitzi Dravenfield"
zyphichore: "Bernie Albertson"
zyphichore: "Mitzi Dravenfield & Bernie Albertson"
zyphichore: the director, aka "dimestore thug #2"
zyphichore: "Ritzy & Mitzi Dravenfield"
zyphichore: "Officer Friendly, Beat Cop"
zyphichore: sunday is film day!
zyphichore: "Ruby Says 'So Wot Now?'"
zyphichore: "Sable Directs"
zyphichore: "Ruby Says 'So Wot?'"
zyphichore: "Albertson Waits for Ruby"
zyphichore: "Albertson meets Ruby"
zyphichore: "Albertson meets Ruby"