zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #6
zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #5
zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #4
zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #3
zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #1
zxq: The Return of the Curious Cupboard Cat #2
zxq: Ginga update - the inside / outside situation
zxq: Ginga update - the sleeping situation
zxq: Ginga update - the Rastus / Ginga situation
zxq: Home and Happy
zxq: Home and Happy
zxq: Home and Happy
zxq: Home and Happy
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 2.3
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 2.2
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 2.1
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 2.0
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 1.2
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 1.1
zxq: Thermal Heating Method 1.0
zxq: HE'S HOME!
zxq: poor little ginga has been badly injured... :o[
zxq: Lazing on a sunny afternoon
zxq: Dozing off in the middle of a flea combing
zxq: Leg extension
zxq: Grumpy old man
zxq: warming up
zxq: Who's that?
zxq: Undercover #1
zxq: undercover #2