Z Andrei: Unmistakable #sydney #architecture #travelgram
Z Andrei: Ready for the hearts #melbourne #traveltheworld #bars
Z Andrei: Bologna's main public library is astonishingly beautiful and well designed. #library #bologna #architecture
Z Andrei: Sunset over river Arno #florence #sunsetporn #bridge
Z Andrei: You mostly see photos of Florence's Duomo and it's cupola, but I thought the campanile was quite striking. #florence #church #architecture #tower
Z Andrei: View of Roman Forum from terrace on Capitoline Hill #ruins #roman #rome
Z Andrei: Evening coliseum in fire. And a pomegranate, apparently. #aftersunset #history #rome #ruins
Z Andrei: Good morning, Ibiza #mimosakindofmorning #letsdothis
Z Andrei: Ruins in a day #misheardlyrics #ancient #romanempire
Z Andrei: When in Spain... #sangria #malaga #spain
Z Andrei: Mosque and Rock of Gibraltar #gibraltar #cruising #travelingtheworld
Z Andrei: Exquisite Patatas Bravas at Biercab #tapas #barcelona #grid