dyzfunction: the moon.
dyzfunction: tooth.circle. <3
dyzfunction: Λουκουμάκι.
dyzfunction: light bulb.
dyzfunction: circus seal.
dyzfunction: "All We Love We Leave Behind"
dyzfunction: Skull & Raven.
dyzfunction: Continuity.
dyzfunction: GHOARRR...
dyzfunction: Demon-monk.
dyzfunction: Aztec God with peyote cactus.
dyzfunction: agave.
dyzfunction: σέττερ.
dyzfunction: < 3 klee
dyzfunction: 27 tumblr_lrdut8kZKo1qgxmc6o1_500
dyzfunction: Coatlicue, also known as Teteoinan, "The Mother of Gods" . the Aztec goddess who gave birth to the moon, stars and the god of the sun and war. (forearm)
dyzfunction: monster, from "The Last Judgment, by Alart du Hameel, ca.1500 (leg)
dyzfunction: gelly fish (leg)
dyzfunction: FALL OF EFRAFA cover (leg)
dyzfunction: traditional Chinese dragon (leg)
dyzfunction: jesus No2 Ɨ 13 Ɨ a Ramon's Maiden piece (leg)
dyzfunction: a door by orcl (leg)
dyzfunction: πρέυ φορ jesus & a noose _PFS (leg)