bethechange21: 345/365 - The lights transformed and took flight. Then came the knowledge that she's never truly alone. She wondered where they would land.
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bethechange21: what lives inside us that makes us believe there is so little? gentle reminder: it's just stuff & things.
bethechange21: 348/365 - right here, little one, under my wing. so I can make sure no one steps on you and breaks you. that's my job.
bethechange21: sometimes her thoughts and dreams are just scattered across the vastness of what lies ahead....
bethechange21: 350/365 - in my own way...
bethechange21: she'll be back soon, then everything will be ok. And we will go for a walk, even if it's raining....
bethechange21: the glitter of aspen leaves made her heart leap. then there was longing.
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bethechange21: the next chapter unfolds page by page bringing in new wisdom and those faithful doubts.
bethechange21: surfacing from the gray she made her way to the light...
bethechange21: looking back, she saw the remants of a polished facade; now cracked and chipped away. free to feel the warmth colliding upon her.
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bethechange21: today I felt the world get a little smaller under my feet...and my heart and soul get a little bigger.
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bethechange21: "In the end, if life were all rearranged by act, would you be happy with the moments you devoted most your time to?"
bethechange21: 17 years ago today, she made my world special forever more....
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bethechange21: for a brief second she thought about just driving until she was happy where she was....
bethechange21: 124/365 - as we read the Dog Whisperer's book, Evildog breaks out in hysterical laughter at the "calm-submissive" chapter...
bethechange21: everyone said you went someplace very special, it must be my heart because everytime I think of you it aches.
bethechange21: 230/365 - sometimes, you have to make your own sunshine
bethechange21: I am not in control of it all.
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