Zukirmi: Lunch at the Gates of Lodore
Zukirmi: Boat Launch at Gates of Lodore
Zukirmi: ...and we're off!
Zukirmi: Gates of Lodore
Zukirmi: The Gates of Lodore
Zukirmi: IMG_4391
Zukirmi: Jay & Holly
Zukirmi: Tressa
Zukirmi: Azmie re-Elects Clint for Mayor
Zukirmi: Azmie re-elects Clint for Mayor
Zukirmi: Clint
Zukirmi: Jay
Zukirmi: Jay, Randy and Azmie at camp
Zukirmi: Randy, Dewey & Clint at camp
Zukirmi: Jay & Tressa cooking dinner at camp
Zukirmi: Re-elect Clint for Mayor
Zukirmi: On the Rock
Zukirmi: Shirley
Zukirmi: Mandy
Zukirmi: Cade & Clint with Fish
Zukirmi: IMG_4450
Zukirmi: IMG_4451
Zukirmi: IMG_4452
Zukirmi: IMG_4454
Zukirmi: Randy observing the others coming through the Birth Canal
Zukirmi: Clint, Tressa and Shirley going around the Birth Canal
Zukirmi: Clint, Shirley and Tressa going around the Birth Canal
Zukirmi: Jay going around the Birth Canal
Zukirmi: Mandy going around the Birth Canal
Zukirmi: Jay going around the Birth Canal