lizbucar: Instigator
lizbucar: Marcia and Zoe in Greensboro x-mas snow
lizbucar: IMG_7663
lizbucar: Reading with Prof Zubrow
lizbucar: Dance Party
lizbucar: Warming up
lizbucar: IMG_7650
lizbucar: Go team!
lizbucar: The things we do
lizbucar: Tent monster
lizbucar: Rare home nap
lizbucar: IMG_7692
lizbucar: Peek-a-boo
lizbucar: IMG_7697
lizbucar: Dive
lizbucar: Boxes are always the most fun
lizbucar: IMG_7718
lizbucar: IMG_7710
lizbucar: New book from Aunt Becky: Squeak!
lizbucar: Nana hat
lizbucar: IMG_7676
lizbucar: IMG_7685
lizbucar: End of the shift
lizbucar: spelling
lizbucar: VID00029