Lord V: Fractal water
Steve took it: Ever have the feeling that you just don't quite fit in?
tumbledbones: "Please tell a story about a girl who gets away."
tumbledbones: 4 | I don't like the leash. Will you carry me?
tumbledbones: 7 weeks + 1 day
Steve took it: Tradition
Lord V: Raindrops on dandelion seedhead
ninettacaruso: kittens' pattern
The New No. 2: Crashing Waves - Color
vickaruu8: Rockaway Beach Or
Nina Bolen: Purple Needle Felted Dragon
laviddichterman: Capitol Hill Denny Sled Run at Bellevue Ave E & E Denny Way - Seattle on 2012-01-18 - DSC_4534.jpg
Karen Byron: Black bear
chity!: Amigurumi
jasonhebard: Vatican - Rome, Italy
RNEP: staircase
jodi_tripp: echinaceaTrappedOWH
Marie_Eve_: Horizon
Brent Mills - automotomedia.net: Yellowstone after Sunset
dcis_steve: My First Sunset in Firenze
musicman67: Love For Color.
karenhunnicutt: Christmas In The Heart
imTulips!!!: life is golden!
Fresnatic: Pt Robinson Lighthouse HDR 4155
David M Hogan: Mt Rainier with Milky Way from Tolmie Peak
Ben Heine: Pure Abstract - 3