ztephen: sand gets in your eyes
ztephen: return of the hound
ztephen: off again
ztephen: ghost dog
ztephen: chelsea in the snow
ztephen: Strange Meeting
ztephen: chelsea at kidston
ztephen: The Eye of Dog
ztephen: biscuits
ztephen: shadows
ztephen: dog apprehensive of stove
ztephen: chelsea in the clyde bar
ztephen: circular dog blur
ztephen: dog finds all this quite amusing
ztephen: she moves down the street in waves
ztephen: the dog in the rain
ztephen: dog at speed
ztephen: the dog is scared of the sign
ztephen: I know this one's thinking of food...
ztephen: oh, come on!
ztephen: feeding time
ztephen: feeding time
ztephen: wet dog
ztephen: dog very interested in other dog on other side of road
ztephen: dogpaw
ztephen: dpov2
ztephen: dpov1
ztephen: dpov3
ztephen: my old dog stands at an angle
ztephen: the dog, in a flash