ztephen: summer sky
ztephen: contrail and sun
ztephen: heading west
ztephen: a seagull, his mates hiding in the sky
ztephen: a quatermass moment
ztephen: three swans flying
ztephen: skein
ztephen: sunset contrail
ztephen: the loch lomond sea plane
ztephen: swift
ztephen: another nice sky
ztephen: a nice sky
ztephen: clouds and sun
ztephen: sky
ztephen: 22 degree halo
ztephen: sky
ztephen: complicated sky
ztephen: moon and cloud
ztephen: complicated cirrus
ztephen: cloud plates
ztephen: sunset cloud
ztephen: dirty skies
ztephen: billows in altocumulus
ztephen: cloud street
ztephen: gap
ztephen: St Columba's tower
ztephen: more cirrus
ztephen: cirrus
ztephen: sun and ...cirrostratus
ztephen: yet more sky