zszaiss: The 2006 Breast Cancer Walk
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zszaiss: My Building at Microsoft
zszaiss: My Dad in awe of Microsoft
zszaiss: At the Microsoft Visitor Center
zszaiss: Outside Pike Place Market
zszaiss: Flower shop in Pike Place Market
zszaiss: The famous Pike Place Fish Market
zszaiss: Fish at the Fish Market
zszaiss: Posing with a fish
zszaiss: Awesome displays of peppers
zszaiss: The original Starbucks
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zszaiss: Arriving at Safeco Field
zszaiss: The view from our seats at Safeco
zszaiss: The Boston-Seattle game
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zszaiss: The view from Ivar's
zszaiss: Dad at Ivars
zszaiss: Ducks were chilling out nearby
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zszaiss: They were coming to eat with us!
zszaiss: A seaplane coming in for a landing
zszaiss: The View Across Lake Washington
zszaiss: The Dock
zszaiss: Dad on the Cruise
zszaiss: Kirkland from the Water