Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
The "Y" has More than 2000 Such Homes for Our Boys
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
"Hey Fellows!"
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Civilians - When we go through this we need all the help and comfort we can give.
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
YMCA United War Work Campaign November 11-18, 1918
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Save the Survivors - 3,950,000 starving people
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
One Million Dollar War Fund: To be collected from Lincoln's to Washington's birthday
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Buy Another Join the YD
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
For Every Fighter a Woman Worker Y.W.C.A.
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Keep 'em smiling! Help War Camp Community Service
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
2 Inspiring Cablegrams
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
One of the Thousand Y.M.C.A Girls In France
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
For Home and Country: Victory Liberty Loan
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Le Travail eloigne de nous trois grands maux: L'Ennui, Le Vice et Le Besoin: vous tous qui cherchez du travail oudésirez des renseignements: Adressez-vous aux "Foyers" de L'Union Franco-Américaine; YMCA
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
U.S. Marines - Active Service on Land and Sea - Enlist at
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Be a U.S. Marine!
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
If You Want to Fight! Join the Marines
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
U.S. Marines "Soldiers of the Sea" Soldiers with weapons in a landing party
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Les Foyers du Soldat - Y.M.C.A. - Union Franco-Americaine
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
"Tell that to the Marines!" by James Montgomery Flagg
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Les Foyers du Soldat et du Marin - Y.M.C.A. - Union Franco-Américaine
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Les foyers du soldats - Y.M.C.A. - Union franco-americaine. Quand tu parles de la femme, pense a ta mere, a ta soeur, a ta fiancee, et tu ne diras pas de betises.
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
For Every Fighter a Woman Worker Y.W.C.A.
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
And they thought we couldn't fight
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
The Greatest Mother in the World
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Americans All!
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Launching Another Victory Ship
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
"America the hope of all who suffer - the dread of all who wrong." - Whittier
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
Carry On! Stamp! Stamp! Stamp! Who'll buy a Stamp?
Special Collections, Wake Forest University:
The "Y" has More than 2000 Such Homes for Our Boys