C. Strife: HD-WTF
C. Strife: Noisewind
C. Strife: Purple Horizon
C. Strife: Golden Way
C. Strife: Low Pass
C. Strife: Pastel 3's
C. Strife: Isolated
C. Strife: Lone Fish
C. Strife: Trails
C. Strife: leaf's me no more
C. Strife: Tree on Redhill
C. Strife: Bigger Boat Redux
C. Strife: Salvation Mountain
C. Strife: Roof for a Roof
C. Strife: Sea Cat
C. Strife: North Shore Beach & Yacht Club
C. Strife: That which the wind cannot blow away
C. Strife: Rows of Energy
C. Strife: Passage way
C. Strife: Touch
C. Strife: Turbine
C. Strife: Pinwheel Hill
C. Strife: No trespassing
C. Strife: Layered Power under the Sun
C. Strife: Morning Soar
C. Strife: Windfarm Golden Hwy
C. Strife: Bombayano