Zorotypus: Riverside flowers
Zorotypus: Madre de Dios River
Zorotypus: Yellow-rumped Cacique nests clustered around a wasp nest
Zorotypus: Southern Emerald-toucanet
Zorotypus: Flammulated Pygmy-tyrant
Zorotypus: Lined Forest-falcon
Zorotypus: Black-faced Antthrush
Zorotypus: Peruvian Recurvebill
Zorotypus: Red-billed Scythebill
Zorotypus: Pantiacolla Ridge and the Palotoa River
Zorotypus: White-throated Antbird
Zorotypus: Blue-fronted Lancebill
Zorotypus: Golden-collared Toucanet
Zorotypus: Green-and-gold Tanager
Zorotypus: Hairy-crested Antbird
Zorotypus: Long-winged Antwren
Zorotypus: Round-tailed Manakin
Zorotypus: Puna Teal
Zorotypus: Yellow-billed Teal
Zorotypus: Brown-winged Schiffornis
Zorotypus: Carmiol's Tanager
Zorotypus: Pale-eyed Thrush
Zorotypus: Slate-throated Whitestart
Zorotypus: Sparkling Violetear
Zorotypus: Black-billed Treehunter
Zorotypus: Gould's Jewelfront
Zorotypus: Grayish Mourner
Zorotypus: Ruddy Quail-dove
Zorotypus: Spectacled Bristle-tyrant
Zorotypus: Tawny-faced Gnatwren