Zorotypus: Achilid? Planthopper
Zorotypus: Achilid? Planthopper
Zorotypus: Geometrid caterpillar
Zorotypus: Micromoth
Zorotypus: Moth
Zorotypus: Opiliones
Zorotypus: Opiliones
Zorotypus: Weevil
Zorotypus: Anole
Zorotypus: Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture with Black Vulture
Zorotypus: Burrowing bug - Cydnidae
Zorotypus: Flea beetle - Alticini
Zorotypus: Checkered beetle - Cleridae
Zorotypus: Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Zorotypus: Toad bug - Gelastocoridae
Zorotypus: Double-toothed kite
Zorotypus: Spectacled Caiman
Zorotypus: Spectacled caiman with damselfly
Zorotypus: Rufescent tiger-heron
Zorotypus: Striated Heron
Zorotypus: Blue-crowned Motmot
Zorotypus: Congregation of grasshopper nymphs
Zorotypus: Ocellated Antbird
Zorotypus: Ocellated Antbird
Zorotypus: White-whiskered Puffbird
Zorotypus: Summer Tanager
Zorotypus: Army ant workers
Zorotypus: Army ant soldier + worker
Zorotypus: Fungi
Zorotypus: Leafcutter ants