Zorotypus: Buds
Zorotypus: Algae
Zorotypus: Seed
Zorotypus: Pinecone
Zorotypus: Flowers
Zorotypus: pine
Zorotypus: Fungus
Zorotypus: Pine
Zorotypus: Flowers
Zorotypus: Flowers
Zorotypus: Forget-me-not
Zorotypus: Deptford Pink - Dianthus armeria
Zorotypus: Thistle
Zorotypus: Water droplets
Zorotypus: Some kind of plant...
Zorotypus: Flower
Zorotypus: Trillium
Zorotypus: Witchhazel
Zorotypus: Firewheel
Zorotypus: Fungus
Zorotypus: Flower with Pistil/stamen combo
Zorotypus: Unk. Flower
Zorotypus: Micromoth leaf roll
Zorotypus: Subarctic shrooms
Zorotypus: Unknown berry bush
Zorotypus: Unknown flower
Zorotypus: Sea Lavender - Limonium carolinianum
Zorotypus: Unknown Aster
Zorotypus: Fungi
Zorotypus: Small mushroom