Zorlack: The little tiny generator that powers the dam
Zorlack: A goat messes with traffic
Zorlack: The new highway bridge over Black Canyon
Zorlack: Love it.
Zorlack: The hardhat tour
Zorlack: Approaching daylight in the ventilation tunnel
Zorlack: Cast concrete tunnels
Zorlack: The interior of the vent
Zorlack: Exterior of the vent (about halfway up the dam)
Zorlack: Angel Feet
Zorlack: Gothic Deco Angels
Zorlack: More deco relief
Zorlack: Deco
Zorlack: Amazing Elevator doors
Zorlack: Gold Doors
Zorlack: I have a new favorite desk in the world
Zorlack: The NV/AZ border
Zorlack: Nevada Water Intake Towers
Zorlack: New highway bridge over Black Canyon
Zorlack: NV Generator Shed
Zorlack: Lights
Zorlack: The Nevada Generators
Zorlack: Dam, that's wide (let the bad puns commence)
Zorlack: Top of the Dam
Zorlack: Waiting for the 2:45 tour. ZZZzzz...