Zorlack: A stair
Zorlack: SR is rediculously heavy
Zorlack: Underneath the thrust
Zorlack: The set, with footlights
Zorlack: Footlight shine through the deck!
Zorlack: The green balustrade is awesome!
Zorlack: Ladder-y
Zorlack: I'm still trying to decide if the piano is anachronistic
Zorlack: The center barricade sections
Zorlack: We may be able to build a barricade after all
Zorlack: Badass stairs!
Zorlack: The grating
Zorlack: Gratings for the footlights
Zorlack: Planning the thrust
Zorlack: I need guns
Zorlack: New position for stairs...
Zorlack: The Non-Barricade...
Zorlack: Working out the size of the thrust
Zorlack: Les Mis Rifle
Zorlack: BridgeTest
Zorlack: BridgeTest
Zorlack: That sickening feeling...
Zorlack: DISASTER!!!
Zorlack: Demon Leo rockin the Awesome Cart
Zorlack: /Me
Zorlack: Kevin works the perimeter
Zorlack: It actually felt pretty strong. There are some 4x4 jacks in the middle.
Zorlack: Dusty
Zorlack: The other side of the barricade... err... yeah
Zorlack: Gavroche hides