Zorlack: Another piece of broken mirror discarded.
Zorlack: Hey lookie there.
Zorlack: Pointy
Zorlack: Doesn't quite make me thirsty
Zorlack: Gizmo is a camera whore
Zorlack: The bricked this door shut
Zorlack: A derelict bycicle laying on the ground
Zorlack: shadow puppets talk to the wheel
Zorlack: Urban nature reaches out its prongs
Zorlack: Kate gets bored with our antics
Zorlack: Rubble
Zorlack: Flash
Zorlack: Yellow
Zorlack: Don't Eff with us
Zorlack: Fake = Dylan
Zorlack: Stinky the Robot
Zorlack: Rusted
Zorlack: Breakin In
Zorlack: Beep
Zorlack: Graffiti Robot #2
Zorlack: Ominous Graffiti
Zorlack: Love, Robot
Zorlack: Alex the Pidgeon
Zorlack: Tugz
Zorlack: Flaggy
Zorlack: Alex ala lomo
Zorlack: Ouch! Pointy.