Zooman_723: Zebra
Zooman_723: Baby Tortuga
Zooman_723: Montana
Zooman_723: Looook into my eeeyyyeeees!
Zooman_723: Daisy the giraffe
Zooman_723: My Girl Lucky
Zooman_723: Stared down by an Ostrich
Zooman_723: What do you think you're doing??
Zooman_723: Doing what she does best!
Zooman_723: Tribal Croc
Zooman_723: Say hello to my little friend!
Zooman_723: Party in the Pollen
Zooman_723: oooo laaa laaaa.....or maybe....Flamingo can can!!
Zooman_723: Hoppy Weekend!!!!!!!!!
Zooman_723: B&W in b&w
Zooman_723: You Looking at me??
Zooman_723: "I know it's around here somewhere!!"
Zooman_723: Anybody know where I can get a good pedi???
Zooman_723: To bolt..... or not to bolt???
Zooman_723: Okay, you have my attention... Now what??
Zooman_723: They call me Stretch!!
Zooman_723: Whattcha got?
Zooman_723: Chillin' like Matt Dillon!
Zooman_723: Tip of the provervbial iceberg!
Zooman_723: I'm not telling her!!! You tell her!!
Zooman_723: I got my eye on you!!!!!!!!
Zooman_723: Flamingo as Eye See It
Zooman_723: Here.... this is my good side!!!
Zooman_723: Butterfly