Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: Christine opens a bustier lamp.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: Gabrielle gets a glowing blue star lamp.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: A mannekin pis booze dispenser.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: Tupac has a lady friend.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: Every sophisticated urbanite needs a French waiter toilet paper holder.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: Mike Hoffman's comment: If that star had a sixth point we'd totally steal it.
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: The wit and wisdom of Tom Wallace: "I'd eat a piece of (crap) if it had bacon wrapped around it."
Buford's Zombie Apocalypse: THE AIRING OF THE GRIEVANCES!!!