Zombie37: banjo
Zombie37: little uke girl by a big amp
Zombie37: swingin' girl
Zombie37: swingin' boy
Zombie37: Old Songs
Zombie37: Old Songs band
Zombie37: Chris and Liz
Zombie37: Liz Downing
Zombie37: Chris and Liz
Zombie37: shady backstage
Zombie37: Jad & Jason
Zombie37: David Fair
Zombie37: David Fair
Zombie37: young singer at Shakemore 7/7/7
Zombie37: pretty old trees
Zombie37: grasses on rolling hills
Zombie37: grasses on rolling hills
Zombie37: hay bales
Zombie37: gold grasses, blue sky
Zombie37: shiny rainbow bug: dogbane beetle
Zombie37: city boy in the country
Zombie37: swing splatter
Zombie37: Max swings with sassafrass
Zombie37: gogo logo