Zombie37: Wagner camp sign
Zombie37: Camp windows - looking to the sea
Zombie37: path from camp, sun on the ground
Zombie37: cranberries between tree roots
Zombie37: shiny wild cranberries
Zombie37: path from camp, with a view of the water
Zombie37: rocky shoreline of Petit Manan
Zombie37: curving peninsula - Petit Manan
Zombie37: sparkling water on shiny rocks, Petit Manan
Zombie37: rocks, sea, and Bois Bubert island beyond
Zombie37: some contemplative watching from the rocks
Zombie37: the folks at Petit Manan
Zombie37: Uncle Bob (so says his shirt), ready to explore!
Zombie37: Petit Manan
Zombie37: blue, blue Maine
Zombie37: holy seaweed!
Zombie37: rocks of Petit Manan
Zombie37: tidepool details
Zombie37: tidepool with seaweed, Petit Manan
Zombie37: Petit Manan
Zombie37: Petit Manan
Zombie37: checking out the tidepools
Zombie37: exploring Petit Manan
Zombie37: a tiny crab on Petit Manan
Zombie37: a little crab from Petit Manan
Zombie37: hello little crab!
Zombie37: Petit Manan
Zombie37: spotted through the trees! on Petit Manan
Zombie37: crab claw on the rocks by the trees
Zombie37: closeup of a blue-tipped crab claw