e.dagostino: Uffizi exterior 1
Karen Roe: The Bittern Family - think they have just seen their Dad do a fly past
Mrs Fogey: A bit of everything
John McLinden: Cornwall's Heritage Coast
John McLinden: Return to Mount Rushmore
Mrs Fogey: Sculptures at the Open University Campus.
K.J.P.Landscapes: Hares lovers tiff
Mrs Fogey: Mending roads in the 1930s
John McLinden: Cold, calm and misty
John McLinden: Cold and Calm
boaty_granny: feral elephant spotted in norfolk
Mrs Fogey: Merry Christmas everyone!
John McLinden: Ancient High House. Stafford
Ben Rimmer: 20151101_154125
Ben Rimmer: 20151101_155542
Ben Rimmer: 20151107_140856
Mrs Fogey: Quantum Leap Gardens, Shrewsbury
boaty_granny: toft monks
maggotsapple: Honeysuckle
Mrs Fogey: A glimpse of New St Chad's Church from Swan Hill, Shrewsbury
diamond geezer: Heron-on-Brent
diamond geezer: Say No To UKIP #thanetsouth
Denise Salway: #Marvel #Avengers Tribute #Hulk #CaptainAmerica #AgentCoulson #Hawkeye #BlackWidow #ironman #nickfury photo of my knitted/designs by Matthew Horwood #knittedicons #KnittedDoll #knittedcelebs
Denise Salway: #Zulu Tribute #GonvilleGonville #Bromhead #MichaelCaine #VictoriaCross #knittedicons #knitteddoll #knitteddolls #DeniseSalway
Denise Salway: #William #Shakespeare Tribute #knitted #figure #doll my #copyright photo knitted design
zoerubens: Spring
Denise Salway: #marilynmonroe (2) #knitteddoll #denisesalway #theknittingwitch my #copyright photo and knitted design
diamond geezer: Dusk-Eye
Denise Salway: #ThomasCromwell #MarkRylance #Wolfhall #Wolfhall, my #copyright photo and knitted design