*Zoe: {1/365} welcoming in the new year
*Zoe: {2/365} simply 40
*Zoe: {3/365} CAKE!!!!!!!!
*Zoe: Swiss Houses do look like this
*Zoe: {4/365} Out with the old
*Zoe: {5/365} Big and Bright
*Zoe: Original moon shot
*Zoe: {6/365} So small, so cold and my poor fingers
*Zoe: {7/365} Well, what else do you do at 11:30pm at night
*Zoe: 7 shoes for 7 days
*Zoe: {8/365} What you looking at??
*Zoe: Week 1 2015
*Zoe: Giraffe
*Zoe: {9/365} Ahh the Aussies are great sometimes
*Zoe: {10/365} Dig Dig and more Friggin Digging
*Zoe: {11/365} My present to me
*Zoe: A rare sighting.....
*Zoe: {12/365} EAT ME
*Zoe: {13/365} Improving his French
*Zoe: {14/365} Juicing away
*Zoe: Week 2 2015
*Zoe: {15/365} and so it starts again
*Zoe: {16/365} The smallest biscuit
*Zoe: {17/365} The Euro change
*Zoe: {18/365} How to scare a lego freak...
*Zoe: {19/365} What do you mean...
*Zoe: {20/365} mmmmmm vodka and apple juice
*Zoe: {21/365} Hotel Bathrooms
*Zoe: {22/365} My view for 3 days
*Zoe: {23/365} Time for home in the teeny tiny plane