*Zoe: Jo's Legs!
*Zoe: Ladies you rock!
*Zoe: Its interesting who you get chatting to in a lounge
*Zoe: Hello there Hazel - you are looking mighty fine!
*Zoe: spinning around
*Zoe: What can I say....the lady simply rocks
*Zoe: Belfast ladies
*Zoe: A handful of nuts - says it all really
*Zoe: Laughter - a whole lot of it at the weekend
*Zoe: Cake - always a staple of the meets
*Zoe: Random fish
*Zoe: Cold and wet and the ever amusing Carey
*Zoe: Turned out to be a focal point of our weekend
*Zoe: Wouldnt dream of trying to turn Clog into a Tit
*Zoe: Quick - feed her up
*Zoe: Where is Leo when you need him?
*Zoe: Patience of a Saint
*Zoe: ISO 6400???? pretty darn clear to me
*Zoe: SImply a sign - i like it
*Zoe: So true to what i do
*Zoe: Trust us to look at the miniture models and go for dof
*Zoe: All smiles
*Zoe: Watch out there is a pouter about
*Zoe: Sorry ladies coundnt resist
*Zoe: Considering it was this young ladys first time - she really did Rock her Frock
*Zoe: I think she likes the camera...
*Zoe: Giggles were the order of the day
*Zoe: slowly getting used to the camera
*Zoe: One very cool lady
*Zoe: The shades make it for me