Zobbi (Busy for now):
Romanzo criminale..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Behind enemy lines
Zobbi (Busy for now):
lost in bokeh
Zobbi (Busy for now):
L'inverno è duro per tutti.. si attende la primavera
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Cine bokeh
Zobbi (Busy for now):
shine in the night
Zobbi (Busy for now):
project52 #03 • 52 Guardo la strada davanti e se ripenso a tutta quella dietro mi vengono i brividi..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Superman watch you..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
dexter morning routine...
Zobbi (Busy for now):
birthday cake
Zobbi (Busy for now):
project52 #01 • 52 My self
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Finding the perfect focus..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Finding the infinity..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
Zobbi (Busy for now):
I watch you..
Zobbi (Busy for now):
clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!