zleng: Ugly Stick that camouflage well
zleng: Micky stick
zleng: Haaniella spp?
zleng: Face to face
zleng: Haniella spp???
zleng: Sticky
zleng: Dragon head like stick insect
zleng: Spiky walking stick
zleng: mossy stick
zleng: a pair of stick insect mating
zleng: Leaf Insect - Phylliidea
zleng: Sticky with Mickey Ears
zleng: Sticky with Mickey Ears
zleng: Sticky
zleng: Stick insect that stretching itself in the early morning
zleng: Sticky with cross-eyes
zleng: ReGeneration
zleng: Haaniella
zleng: Phyllium bioculatam, Grey leaf insect
zleng: Wing pattern of a leaf insect
zleng: Leaf Insect
zleng: Defend mode of a leafy
zleng: Orange sticky with yellow spot
zleng: Leaf Insect
zleng: Stick insect molting
zleng: Stretching
zleng: sunbathing
zleng: Cute leaf insect
zleng: Male stick insect
zleng: A lazy stick