ptufts: Ann Magnuson with fans
ptufts: W LIES / OBAMA 08
ptufts: Delco Parts
ptufts: Kristian Hoffman
ptufts: Heklina, emceeing at the Tingle Tangle 3rd Anniversary
ptufts: Stage
ptufts: Set notes
ptufts: Last minute adjustments
ptufts: Glen Meadmore at Cafe du Nord
ptufts: IMG_20110331_213621
ptufts: Pagan festival
ptufts: IMG_20110306_160936-1
ptufts: Note to self
ptufts: Caution: Shuts off cyclotron when pressed
ptufts: IMG_20110305_135206
ptufts: The noble directional microwave antenna
ptufts: Languages are great works of art
ptufts: Google Cr-48 box art
ptufts: Underwood
ptufts: IMG_20110113_104844
ptufts: Western Union rotary phone guts
ptufts: Albany Bulb sculpture
ptufts: IMG_20110101_143355