ptufts: Greg Kroah-Hartman
ptufts: DSC_6583-01
ptufts: DSC_6585-01
ptufts: DSC_6587-01
ptufts: OSCON 2006 sign
ptufts: My new fighting technique ...
ptufts: Push button for walk signal
ptufts: Uwajimaya
ptufts: OSCON 2006 sign
ptufts: OSCON 2006 sign
ptufts: Tim O'Reilly interviews Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist
ptufts: Tim O'Reilly and Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist
ptufts: Bill Hilf in the hotseat, fielding questions from Danese Cooper
ptufts: Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist
ptufts: Tim O'Reilly and Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist
ptufts: Tim O'Reilly at OSCON
ptufts: Damian Conway reading "The Davinci Codebase"
ptufts: Han fucila primo!!!
ptufts: A subtle skew in the population
ptufts: Anil (that's uh-neel) Dash goatses OSCON
ptufts: DSC_6931-01
ptufts: Robert Kaye of MusicBrainz
ptufts: Julian Cash
ptufts: DSC_6916-01
ptufts: Caution: Japanese Garden
ptufts: Anil Dash goatses OSCON
ptufts: "Golf Ruts: Eet iz an anagram!"
ptufts: Total World Domination
ptufts: DSC_6625-01
ptufts: AT+T Microwave Relay and Powell's Books