gorydetails: Haiku, released in local park:
hyphen_eight: The Diving Bell
Goldenwattle1: The Obsessive Traveller_Dedham, UK 14May2017
Goldenwattle1: Doppler_Kristiansand Norway 3May2017
Goldenwattle1: Før jeg brenner ned_Bergen, Norway 26April2017
Tanumine Photos: Wild release at Charlottenberg Shopping Centre in Sweden today
ApoloniaX: Art release
ApoloniaX: Pre-Convention Thursday
gorydetails: Left book near the Nubble Lighthouse, Kittery Maine
gorydetails: Harriet Tubman monument in Boston
Goldenwattle1: The Man in the High Castle_Olso, Norway 20April2017
gorydetails: I left The Sunflower Plot at the Milford NH Oval...
DelticBC: Inspector Singh Investigates.... A Deadly Cambodian Murder Spree by Shamini Flint
ardachybc: IMG_0387
gorydetails: wild release 10,000: Good Omens!
hyphen_eight: High Crimes
DelticBC: Satan in St Mary's
hyphen_eight: Little Free Library #45737
gorydetails: My Neighbor Seki at Make Way for Ducklings...
ardachybc: IMG_0330
gorydetails: Left Seabird in the Forest at Deer Island...
hyphen_eight: Stormy Weather - CAUGHT!
Dan K.R: DSC_0287_edited-1
Dan K.R: DSC_0279_edited-1
hyphen_eight: The Underground Woman - CAUGHT!
hyphen_eight: If Death Ever Slept
Travlina°: Leselykke Bryne
gorydetails: Released The Lost River at a covered bridge...
gorydetails: Released at Lovewell Pond, Nashua NH
hyphen_eight: The Islander