Zulma (): the meltdown
Zulma (): happy 28th wishes for everyone and happy cooking
Zulma (): An unforgettable 25th
Zulma (): enjoy the holidays
Zulma (): homonym of blew
Zulma (): un arco en Huelva
Zulma (): Paris (from the rooftop cafe of Musée d'Orsay)
Zulma (): DSC_0005
Zulma (): sepia barn
Zulma (): Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. Audre Lorde
Zulma (): much too cold outdoors :)
Zulma (): IMG_1553
Zulma (): a week of thanks
Zulma (): pura blancura
Zulma (): hortensia : hydrangea
Zulma (): dandelion
Zulma (): caught in the act
Zulma (): before the rain
Zulma (): la ardilla y el árbol
Zulma (): I need vitamin sea
Zulma (): mural ideas for the barn
Zulma (): have a great Wednesday
Zulma (): neblina mañanera
Zulma (): the happiness of a daisy
Zulma (): IMG_9258
Zulma (): the hidden duck
Zulma (): tu sombra y tu luz
Zulma (): ...went to the market
Zulma (): Halloween or something like that!!