Zulma (): brrrr
Zulma (): Taughannock Falls
Zulma (): cosmos ready
Zulma (): blue season
Zulma (): Totoro hiding
Zulma (): new york city
Zulma (): Have a great Friday!!!
Zulma (): Do all ducks quack?
Zulma (): IMG_7476
Zulma (): meditation
Zulma (): snow white astilbe
Zulma (): BROADWAY
Zulma (): "To elevate the soul, poetry is necessary." -Edgar Allan Poe
Zulma (): white thingees with black insect-like spots
Zulma (): a rose for you...take it!!
Zulma (): Córdoba, España
Zulma (): playing with past cosmos
Zulma (): un momento
Zulma (): Under the horse chestnut tree
Zulma (): Jonathan
Zulma (): a melody
Zulma (): vías férreas
Zulma (): fire pit
Zulma (): a few leaves here and there
Zulma (): mundos separados
Zulma (): luces, hojas, sombras
Zulma (): IMG_6826
Zulma (): If a tree falls in a forest...
Zulma (): Nikita by the rear window