25/8: Rolleicord Va 1st roll
25/8: Hay
25/8: Le long du Canal Saint Martin
25/8: Cherry blossom Bonn Altstadt
25/8: Anemones
25/8: Baumwipfelpfad Saarschleife
25/8: Baumwipfelpfad Saarschleife
25/8: Radiotelescope Effelsberg
25/8: Museum Insel Hombroich
25/8: Successors
25/8: Kommern
25/8: Kommern
25/8: Astropeiler Stockert
25/8: Hombroich
25/8: It's turnip time again!
25/8: A bike ride along the Swistbach
25/8: A bike ride along the Swistbach
25/8: North Berwick Law
25/8: Bridge to nowhere
25/8: Bridge to nowhere
25/8: Last autumn
25/8: Coke crates
25/8: Cabin view
25/8: Semaphore
25/8: Garage
25/8: Eisensteine
25/8: Trailers
25/8: Human rights
25/8: Beaubourg
25/8: Leaves