ZI.NGUYEN: it's been a while..
ZI.NGUYEN: October bokehs
ZI.NGUYEN: lights and rains
ZI.NGUYEN: .the magic of eyes (Explored)
ZI.NGUYEN: .years (Explored)
ZI.NGUYEN: .day-dream
ZI.NGUYEN: .feel the city
ZI.NGUYEN: .they're not gonna stop (Explored)
ZI.NGUYEN: camera madness.
ZI.NGUYEN: the little pretty thing.
ZI.NGUYEN: winter<3 (Explored)
ZI.NGUYEN: have yourself a merry little Xmas (:
ZI.NGUYEN: this time of year..
ZI.NGUYEN: raindrops.
ZI.NGUYEN: things are still so beautifully colorful even when your eyes are broken
ZI.NGUYEN: broken glasses.
ZI.NGUYEN: tears are words the heart can't say. (Explored Front Page)
ZI.NGUYEN: I know what I know / a wind in the trees and a road that goes winding under
ZI.NGUYEN: when February sun goes sleep
ZI.NGUYEN: broken eyes
ZI.NGUYEN: Paris, oh Paris (Explored)