EugeniusD80: Station clock
EugeniusD80: "Älgskitar" means "Moose poop" in Swedish. However these are just candies - chocolate covered almond topped with cinnamon :-)
EugeniusD80: Hello! And what is it you are doing there?
EugeniusD80: On the way to Stockholm
EugeniusD80: Bromma airport (Stockholm). On the way back to Gothenburg.
EugeniusD80: Long way from home.
EugeniusD80: While walking in the middle of nowhere...
EugeniusD80: Goodbye Gothenburg!
EugeniusD80: "Indian summer" season in Crimea / Бархатный сезон в Крыму
EugeniusD80: With my lovely wife / Разом із моєю чарівною дружиною
EugeniusD80: Dog parking / Парковка для собак
EugeniusD80: Artist's window
EugeniusD80: Foros church (Crimea) / Форосская церковь (Крым)
EugeniusD80: The winter is coming... now!
EugeniusD80: Stockholm Christmas Tree
EugeniusD80: Fruit infusion
EugeniusD80: Golden autumn in Sweden
EugeniusD80: Flying over Sweden
EugeniusD80: Nyhavn, Copenhagen
EugeniusD80: Discover Stockholm
EugeniusD80: Discover Stockholm by boat
EugeniusD80: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen
EugeniusD80: Kiev Opera Theater
EugeniusD80: The views of #Euromaidan / Замальовки #Євромайдан'у
EugeniusD80: The views of #Euromaidan: Barricades / Замальовки #Євромайдан'у: Барикади
EugeniusD80: The views of #Euromaidan / Замальовки #Євромайдан'у
EugeniusD80: The views of #Euromaidan / Замальовки #Євромайдан'у
EugeniusD80: The views of #Euromaidan in Kiev/ Замальовки #Євромайдан'у в Києві