ㄚ好: My friend-LU LU
yuji hachiya: 2010.5.16
ㄚ好: Sunshine girl - Ruby
ㄚ好: There is love...Because of you
alfredobrant: pentax 67 _ Anahi
deathsatan: Morning
JinnWen: KLASSE S + Fuji X-TRA 400
H.L.Tam: The "Rubber Duck" in Hong Kong
v.ir.g.il.e: l'école buissionnière
v.ir.g.il.e: the end of V
H.L.Tam: Fatih. Istanbul
giggle1025: turkey 0527 (1)
Bert de Jong: Old Jewish graveyard 3
马斯特大师: 北戴河
H.L.Tam: Shek Kip Mei. Hong Kong
GraemeNicol: lama peng cuo jian cuo
多多^: 大梅沙海滩
D. Sheley: 28-1364a
Extra Medium: The Couple on Fire
Zhangwei's Album: Night in Saigon_4
Zhangwei's Album: Galveston, Texas
David Solomons: Salvador, Bahia, 2002