波堤 Boti: 嬌小漂亮的黃腰柳鶯 Pallas's Leaf Warbler (10cm length)
neilfif11: guinea fowl
niko**: *1/8 seconds were too long for me.
niko**: *Saturday evening
niko**: *November
niko**: *北風が吹く頃
Wilfred Wong Photography: Roseate Spoonbill
Leon D'souza: Day 19/365
legendhua: PB120617
legendhua: PB120603
neilfif11: Eastern Marsh Harrier with Prey
InkyLin.tw: Taipei city
InkyLin.tw: Peaceful
kyokotoko1128: 日環蝕拷貝
InkyLin.tw: Kaohsiung Harbor
Neil.Wei: DSC_2485
Smithsonian Institution: Portrait of Albert Einstein and Others (1879-1955), Physicist
graftedno1: Turibinicarpus pseudopectinatus
Northwest dad: Steel wool circle
graftedno1: Lithop C285
Atlis: Focus Mk I & III
紅襪熊(・ᴥ・): 餐廳外觀裝飾