榛榛树: sunset in hometown
榛榛树: 玉米
榛榛树: hurt butterfly
榛榛树: my doggie 大蛇,muah♪(´ε` )
榛榛树: 矮冬瓜
榛榛树: very chinese,my name♪(´ε` )
榛榛树: fruit today?
榛榛树: happy weather(*☻-☻*)
榛榛树: mountain view X
榛榛树: 放風的中午
榛榛树: great tree in XM
榛榛树: reading the book!the great book!
榛榛树: lunch time ,謝謝湯sir請客!
榛榛树: sister Bei with her ring
榛榛树: the 26th birthday
榛榛树: 最好的一張
榛榛树: Da Sheir is so happy in countryside.
榛榛树: ♪(´ε` )
榛榛树: 下班啦啦啦
榛榛树: 爆走金沙江
榛榛树: 110906 evening
榛榛树: bread i love
榛榛树: bread talk
榛榛树: 花丸烏冬
榛榛树: 玫瑰豉油雞,給力
榛榛树: minnetonka
榛榛树: afternoon ice cream time
榛榛树: Haagen Dazs is just soso i always think
榛榛树: People's Square
榛榛树: nail color today